129801584511485000_316Yahoo Sports News 13 assists, plus 8 points 5 rebounds, rockets Golan-delajiqi to a victory for the rise of a strong offer up the perfect performance of the season. After replace infected loerie as main, his bright eyes data and the team's record to prove their worth. In the main play 27 games of the season (not counting this field on yellowBee game) tera gold, he averaged 18.4 points 8.2 assists under the cut 1.81 health level in tackling all star control data. However, has become a core team tactics, he becomes a free agent after the end of the season. He belongs to the future of Houston, we do not know. Houston Chronicle interview yesterday, xiaode clearly stated their views。 "Of course I want to be the first player. This is my goal. I work hard just to achieve this goal. (After the end of the season) I will go home to rest for some time tera gold, and then talk to my family, talk with broker, best for me to finally make a decision. Of course tera power leveling, one factor is that there are a lot of playing time to develop my career. ” “I've been hard for this moment. There are four years in the NBA, I trying to set up my reputation in the Alliance, on a certain day became the main leadership team. I am glad that in the past this time. This is still my goal. Houston is a very good team, very nice staff, great city. "For the future fate of the small German, veteran of the rockets were pullLeft. Marcus Camby said: "I liked the team line-up of teams is the key delajiqi to. "Scola also showed xiaode was unwilling. "We need him to come back. He is very important. I believe. "Hear your teammates praise and retention of small de to become teammates take under our wings after the main force had expressed its sincere thanks. "It means a lot. In particular, LosWhen Rui fell, I am surprised that all teammates together, gave me a leadership role. Marcus (Marcus Camby) in the League for 16 years. When the players say it like this, it means a lot to me. Hope that in the future, we can work together again. "(Source: Huaxia times, Houston) (Editor: Zheng Li) The other news around this topic :

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