129801451637735000_433New album IKE IKE Bayer Bayer supports adoption day in Beijing Sina entertainment recently, has just issued a new dish of the bury my love of super model singer aikebaier "adoption day in Beijing" filming a publicity hard light. In addition to the "adoption day in Beijing" platform support, aikebaier will give his new album at the active site of charity donation, the proceedsAll contributions to the stray animals, stray cats and dogs find new home humble contribution. From Italy to return home and the aikebaier on the development of animal born of love, since that "Beijing adoption day" message, aikebaier is actively involved tera gold, new album of this donation charity, aikebaier have had the idea long ago. Aikebaier "adopted instead ofSale of "concepts of interest, and if their family conditions allow tera power leveling, will also" adopt "to consider adoption of stray cats and dogs. At the same time, aikebaier also recommended that prevention should start, hope masters get good traction rope to prevent animals lost: "support for adoption instead of buying, and hope that each homeless child will find warm home. Most important is: when children are brought back to a new home, Strange new environment, new spending Baba please with them, and they communicate tera power leveling, important for kids go out and play good traction rope, or children do not recognize road, in case of lost of trouble sth " () The other news around this topic :

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